Tuesday 5 Janaury | 18.30 - 20:00 | Introduction to Cub Centenary Year – 1916 - 1926 | A fun evening of games blah blah |
Tuesday 12 Janaury | 18.30 - 20:00 | Air Activities’ Badge | Midair models |
Tuesday 19 Janaury | 18.30 - 20:00 | Air Activities’ Badge | |
Tuesday 26 Janaury | 18.30 - 20:00 | Air Activities’ Badge | |
Saturday 30 Janaury | Afternoon | District 10 Pin Bowling | Information will be sent out via letter. |
Tuesday 2 Februray | 18.30 - 20:00 | Cubs 1926-1936 | Learning all about Cubs during this period |
Saturday 6 Februray | 14.00-16.00 | Group Jumble Sale/ District Swimming Gala | Information will be sent out via letter. |
Tuesday 19 Februray | 18.30 - 20:00 | Shrove Tuesday | Can you toss a pancake? |
Tuesday 16 Februay | Half term Closed | Closed | Closed |
Tuesday 23 Februray | 18.30 - 20:00 | About Baden Powell | Learning all about Founder |
Tuesday 1 March | 18.30 - 20:00 | Cubs 1936-1946 | Learning all about Cubs during this period |
Sunday 6 March | 9.30am | Church Parade | Please attend |
Tuesday 8 March | 18.30 - 20:00 | Scouting during the War | Learning all about Cubs during this period |
Sunday 13 March | | District Cross Country | Information will be sent out via letter. |
Tuesday 15 March | 18.30 - 20:00 | War Food | Come hungry to have a taste! |
Tuesday 22 March | 18.30 - 20:00 | Easter Theme | There might be eggs involved |
Tuesday 29 & 5 April | 18.30 - 20:00 | CLOSED | ClOSED |
Tuesday 12 April | 18.30 - 20:00 | Cubs 1946-1956 | Learning all about Cubs during this period |